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  • Using MessageSource In Spring Boot Application

    Using MessageSource In Spring Boot Application

    Table of Contents1 Overview2 I18n and l10n2.1 Internationalization2.2 Localization3 MessageSource in spring boot3.1 Key concepts3.1.1 MessageSource3.1.2 Message Bundles3.2 Common MessageSource implementations3.2.1 ResourceBundleMessageSource:3.2.2 ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource:3.3 Structure of message bundles4 MessageSource basic example4.1 Configure the MessageSource bean5 Specifying Locale5.1 Creating custom resolver6 Cheat Sheet for Writing Messages in Message Bundles6.1 Basic usage6.2 Parameterized Messages6.3 Default Messages6.4 Multiline Messages6.5…

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  • Fix Cloud not find a valid Docker environment TestContainers

    Fix Cloud not find a valid Docker environment TestContainers

    Table of Contents1 Check .testcontainers.config2 Enable docker sock In Docker Desktop3 Verify the fix If you see this issue: That means testcontainers cannot find a docker env to run. There are a few things you can do. Check .testcontainers.config Open .testcontainers.properties file under your home directory. If that file exists, make sure it points to…

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  • Running PNPM With WebStorm

    Running PNPM With WebStorm

    Table of Contents1 Overview2 Configure PNPM to run with WebStorm3 Conclusion Overview By default, webstorm doesn’t support running PNPM out of the box. The default mode supports node only. However, with some simple configurations, you can click on the run or the debug button and run your app with pnpm. Let’s get started. Configure PNPM…

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  • Setup Your Own VPN With WireGuard & Caddy

    Setup Your Own VPN With WireGuard & Caddy

    Table of Contents1 Overview2 Why WireGuard?3 Setup WireGuard Using Docker Compose4 Setup https domain with Caddy5 Conclusion Overview medium.com blocks my country (Vietnam). Apparently, there are many spammers from Vietnam use medium to spread their content. The solution to access medium when my country is blocked is to use a VPN. There are available solutions…

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  • Using @AttributeOverride To Resolve Conflicts

    Using @AttributeOverride To Resolve Conflicts

    Table of Contents1 Overview2 Why Do you have naming conflict with Embedded property3 Fix duplicate properties’ name with Embedded type4 Conclusion Overview When working with spring data jpa, you probably come across issues like this: You have an entity with an @Embedded attribute. The @Embeddable class has the one property that has the same name…

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