Learn SQL With PostgreSQL

This series teach you SQL with PostgreSQL 16, the latest PostgreSQL at the moment. Đạt TrầnI build softwares that solve problems. I also love writing/documenting things I learn/want to learn. datmt.com

Master Spring Boot Logging

Đạt TrầnI build softwares that solve problems. I also love writing/documenting things I learn/want to learn. datmt.com

Develop & Deploy Web App With Angular, Spring Boot And MongoDB

In this mini-series, I’m going to show you how to create and deploy a web app to production using the following tech stack: Angular 16 Spring Boot 3 MongoDB 5 After this, you will have a good understanding of how to develop web applications. Using the knowledge here, you can go ahead and develop almost … Read more

Java Functional Interfaces Tutorial

A comprehensive guide on Java function interfaces. Unlock the Power of Java Functional Interfaces: Dive into a comprehensive tutorial series that demystifies Java’s functional programming capabilities. Explore the world of lambda expressions, method references, and the versatile toolkit of functional interfaces Java offers. From Predicate to Consumer and beyond, learn how these essential components simplify … Read more

Spring Boot Unit Testing Primer

Writing test is important for any application. There are various types of tests a developer can write. At the very least, developers should write unit tests for their code. Unit tests are cheap to write, execute and can save you from clumsy errors. This mini series is for Spring Boot developers who have written applications … Read more

Learn basic Python In 10 Days

Let’s learn some Python. Here is the curriculum Day 1: Introduction to Python Install Python on your computer Learn about Python’s basic syntax, data types, and variables Write your first “Hello, World!” program in Python Day 2: Control Structures and Functions Learn about if statements, loops, and functions Practice writing functions that take arguments and … Read more