Learn SQL With PostgreSQL Mini Series

Welcome to the SQL with PostgreSQL series! In this series, we will be exploring the fundamentals of the SQL language. We are going to use PostgreSQL in this series. SQL is a vital tool for working with data, whether it’s for analysis, reporting, or managing data in general. PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database management … Read more

RabbitMQ Tutorials

RabbitMQ is a popular open-source message broker that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). It is used by many organizations to build distributed systems and microservices, and is known for its reliability, flexibility, and scalability. In this series of tutorials, we will cover all the essential concepts and features of RabbitMQ, including exchanges, queues, … Read more

Developer Interview Essentials

This series covers the standard topics of Developers’ interviews. It’s language agnostic and not for beginners. Topics covered are: SOLID principles Design patterns CAP Theorem ACID principles Đạt TrầnI build softwares that solve problems. I also love writing/documenting things I learn/want to learn. datmt.com

Java Design Patterns: Structural

This mini-series covers the structural design pattern. Structural design patterns concern how objects and classes can be composed to form larger structures, such as complex class hierarchies or object networks. Structural design patterns let developers create complex systems by combining simple, independent components in various ways, without having to build the entire system from scratch. … Read more

Guide To Spring Cloud Core Services And Code Example

This mini-series covers the main projects under the Spring Cloud umbrella, specifically: Spring cloud config server Spring cloud gateway Spring cloud registry Spring Cloud OpenFeign Đạt TrầnI build softwares that solve problems. I also love writing/documenting things I learn/want to learn. datmt.com

Spring Transaction Management Tutorial

This mini-series helps you learn about Spring Transaction management. I’m going to cover the following topics: Properties of a database transaction Why do you need to use transaction? Problems with concurrent transactions How to mitigate such problems with Spring’s support   After completing this series, you will be confident handling transactions in Spring application (hopefully)! … Read more