Configure Jenkins With Caddy

Overview Recently, for some strange reasons, my Jenkins told me that my reversed proxy setup was broken. I use Caddy (to get automatic SSL) and forward all requests to a Jenkins docker instance running on my home machine. If you want more details, this post provides: Correct Jenkins & Caddy Configuration If you need … Read more

Configure TestContainers to Use Remote Docker hosts

Configure TestContainers to Use Remote Docker hosts

Overview With the recent Docker’s license change, companies no longer can use Docker desktop without a subscription. Since software companies have been using free software for far too long, they cannot get used to this. Damn those greedy Docker desktop makers, how can our company survive!!! CEO of some billion dollars software companies who refused … Read more

Run & Build ActiveMQ Docker Image

Run & Build ActiveMQ Docker Image

Recently, I needed to work with ActiveMQ. As a docker fan, I couldn’t find the latest version (5.17.2) docker image available. Thus, I decided to build one. It turned out that building a docker image for ActiveMQ is quite simple. For example, here is the Dockerfile for ActiveMQ version 5.17.2 on JRE 19, alpine: Build … Read more

How to add docker client to Jenkins

There are times when you need to build docker images inside Jenkins. Well, actually that is a common practice nowadays. However, without setting up the docker client properly, you might now be able to do so. When running Jenkins without docker client, you may encounter errors like this: This post’s only purpose is to help … Read more