Spring Boot SSE With SNS, SQS and S3

Overview A classic pattern in web applications is that the user requests something that is not immediately available, your app then does a heavy computation and returns the result to the user. However, since the task is long-running, you cannot make the user wait for the result. One of the easiest ways is to email … Read more

Setup Keycloak (26) behind Caddy Proxy

Overview Recently, I upgraded keycloak from 17 to 26. The update was swift. Keycloak did all the database migration. However, after the upgrade, the site broke. I set up keycloak behind a Caddy proxy. I hope this helps saving you some hours. Caddy’s config Keycloak’s config You may struggled with issues with mixed content, the … Read more

CISSP 1: Security Governance Through Principles and Policies Concepts and FAQ

Concepts Here are the important concepts in the first section of CISSP Abstraction: Simplifying security by grouping similar elements into classes or roles and assigning security controls collectively. Accounting (Accountability): Review log files to check for compliance and violations to hold subjects responsible for their actions, especially policy violations. Acquisition: Obtaining hardware, software, and services, … Read more