Kubernetes labels cheatsheet
Quick commands to work with labels
Quick commands to work with labels
Create ConfigMap from YAML file Create and use configmap from single values That would create a configmap with a key myval1 = 10000 Of course, you can use multiple –from-literal blocks in a single command. Use a single value from configmap in pod yaml Create and use multiple environment variables from file If you plan … Read more
Let’s look at the following diagram to create Kubernetes Replication Controller: What to remember when creating ReplicationController apiVersion: v1 You can define number of replicas, selector and template under spec spec->template has its own spec section along side metadata You specify containers’ related attributes under template‘s spec Create ReplicationController YAML file example Đạt TrầnI build … Read more
Recently I had to write a bash script to truncate all tables on a test database server. Using PgAdmin is a real pain since I have a lot of tables and databases. In addition, I need to do this quite frequently. And I also didn’t want to install Postgres on my machine. The requirement is … Read more
I’ve been trying installing a Kubernetes cluster for while following the official documentation without any success. It turned out the official documentation was missing some important steps (or they put the missing steps else where I couldn’t find). Anyways, if you are struggling to get a Kubernetes up and running, this step by step tutorial … Read more
Set static IP for VirtualBox VM so you can ping from host and other VM in less than 5 minutes