Create API to Upload Images To Aws S3

Overview It’s 2023 and nobody is storing files on their server anymore. There are many choices available. For me, I choose AWS S3 since I have it and it’s one of the cheapest available (as far as I know). In this post, we are going to configure a bucket and then write an API to … Read more

Develop the API (CRUD Wallet, Transaction)

Overview With all the setup done, let’s focus on making our app. The main purpose of the app is to let the user track their income and expenses. You’ve probably come through apps like this many times. We can spend the whole day listing all possible features an app like this can have. However, for … Read more

Setup MongoDB, HAProxy for Local Development

Overview In the previous post, we tested the Auth0 integration with both the backend and frontend application and could call the backend API with tokens obtained from the frontend. In this post, we continue with the infrastructure setup using Docker. First, we are going to get MongoDB up and running. Second, we will set up … Read more