Microsoft Translation Languages As Select Box
Overview I spent 20 minutes to get this info so it may help you. The language codes The languages As select boxes Enjoy!
Overview I spent 20 minutes to get this info so it may help you. The language codes The languages As select boxes Enjoy!
Overview Spring AOP is a power tool to help you separate the cross-cutting concern from your main logic. This post provides some recipes to help you get started quickly with AOP. The annotations Here is a quick introduction to the annotations you can use in AOP: Annotation Description @Before Executes before the advised method is … Read more
Overview Recently, for some strange reasons, my Jenkins told me that my reversed proxy setup was broken. I use Caddy (to get automatic SSL) and forward all requests to a Jenkins docker instance running on my home machine. If you want more details, this post provides: Correct Jenkins & Caddy Configuration If you need … Read more
Overview If you don’t have much time, this table captures the core of the SOLID principles: Principle Description Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) Clients should not be forced to depend on interfaces they do not use. This principle promotes the idea of small, focused interfaces instead of large, monolithic interfaces. Clients should only be exposed to … Read more
Overview Recently I had this use case: I need to integrate Android login with my web app which is using keycloak as IDP. Once the user logs in successfully, the Android app will send an ID token to verify to the backend. Since the user doesn’t have a password (because they haven’t registered for example), … Read more
Overview In this post, we are going to learn how to create a Jenkins pipeline to deploy the Angular app to our server. If you prefer to watch the video tutorial instead, here it is: Creating the configuration files To deploy the Angular app, we need to have a Dockerfile and an nginx.conf file since … Read more