Table of Contents
Scala offers various mechanisms for controlling code flow. Let’s explore them here.
Imagine you are building a charging station for electric vehicles. The station accepts only electric vehicles and they must have a battery capacity greater than 11Kwh.
The following code demonstrates this scenario:
def isChargeable(isElectric: Boolean, capacity: Int): Boolean = if (!isElectric) then return false if (capacity < 11) then false else true
Of course, in production code, you can simplify the function like this:
def isChargeableImproved(isElectric: Boolean, capacity: Int): Boolean = isElectric && capacity > 11
Else if
In a multiple branching scenario, you can use else if
Imagine you need to classify players in a video game based on their experience point. The structure is something like this:
- < 100 points -> Rookie
- 100 < point < 1000 -> Amateur
- 1000 < point -> Professional
def rankPlayer(point : Int): String = if (point < 100) then "Rookie" else if (point < 1000) then "Amateur" else "Professional"
The following code would produce three levels from Rookie to Professional:
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { println(rankPlayer(50)) println(rankPlayer(150)) println(rankPlayer(2550)) }

Pattern matching
If you come from languages like Java, you should be familiar with switch/case.
Scala has a similar structure called pattern matching.
Let’s consider a quick example:
def patternMatchingFood(isHungry: Boolean): Unit = isHungry match case true => println("Let's eat") case false => println("Let's not eat")
Running the code would return the expected results:
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { patternMatchingEat(true) patternMatchingEat(false) }

Let’s consider another example where we need a more complicated use of pattern matching. Let’s say you need to prepare a menu for a half-vegan guy. Here are the requirements
Weekday | What to eat |
Monday | Meat |
Friday | Meat |
Tuesday | Fruits |
Thursday | Vegetables |
Other days | Eat nothing (fasting) |
This piece of code implements the requirements:
def whatToEat(day: String): String = day match case "Monday" | "Friday" => "Meat" case "Tuesday" => "Fruits" case "Thursday" => "Vegetables" case otherDay => s"I don't eat nothing on $otherDay"
As you can see, you can group multiple matches in one case expression. You can also assign a variable and use it using in the return statement (otherDay).
Let’s run the function with some input. You should get the expected results:
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { println(whatToEat("Monday")) println(whatToEat("Friday")) println(whatToEat("Tuesday")) println(whatToEat("Thursday")) println(whatToEat("Wednesday")) println(whatToEat("Sunday")) println(whatToEat("Invalid day")) }

In this post, you have learned the basics of Scala control structures. The source code of this post is available on Github.

I build softwares that solve problems. I also love writing/documenting things I learn/want to learn.