Guide to The SOLID Principles In Java

Overview If you don’t have much time, this table captures the core of the SOLID principles: Principle Description Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) Clients should not be forced to depend on interfaces they do not use. This principle promotes the idea of small, focused interfaces instead of large, monolithic interfaces. Clients should only be exposed to … Read more

Develop the API (CRUD Wallet, Transaction)

Overview With all the setup done, let’s focus on making our app. The main purpose of the app is to let the user track their income and expenses. You’ve probably come through apps like this many times. We can spend the whole day listing all possible features an app like this can have. However, for … Read more

DoubleConsumer vs Consumer

Overview One of the biggest questions I have when studying the functional interfaces in java.util.function is why the creators made DoubleConsumer (LongConsumer, IntConsumer) while there is already a Consumer interface that can handle any kind of object. It turned out, they have solid reason to do so. Boxing, unboxing, autoboxing primer As you may already … Read more